Review Girls Day 2024 – how was it?

Rückblick zum Girlsday2024 Selbständigkeit kennenlernen und Payroll lernen mit KI

Die 6 Mädchen, die am Girlsday 2024 bei mir waren, waren mit Feuereifer dabei! Payroll lernen mit KI – Es gab 3 Teams – Team ‘Minijob’, Team ‘Azubi’ und Team ‘Werkstudent’. Jedes Team sollte hier die Besonderheiten aus Arbeitsrecht, Sozialversicherungsrecht und Lohnsteuerrecht selbst mit KI Tools und einer von mir zur Verfügung gestellten Lernplattform selbst erarbeiten!

Fazit der Mädels:
😉Don’t trust ChatPT (only)!
😉 Selbst erarbeiten macht Spass!
😉 Doch ganz interessant die Lohnabrechnung!
😉 Evtl. doch nicht mehr Influencer 😂 werden!

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Long-term care insurance in Germany: financing, benefits and changes for 2025

Long-term care insurance is an important part of the German social security system. It was introduced in 1995 as the fifth pillar of the social security system to cover the risks associated with the need for long-term care. Since then, it has undergone a number of changes in order to adapt to social and demographic challenges.

German long-term care insurance in international comparison
The countries with the most comprehensive and user-friendly long-term care systems are Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. Germany follows closely behind with good care services.
However, the German system is limited to benefits for significant care needs (care levels) and, unlike other countries, involves considerable co-payments – up to 50% of the costs can be borne by the person in need of care.

Compulsory insurance
In Germany, people with statutory health insurance (GKV) are automatically obliged to take out statutory long-term care insurance.
Those with private health insurance must take out private long-term care insurance. Here, too, both systems are compulsory. The benefits of private long-term care insurance are not very different from those of statutory long-term care insurance, but they can of course vary somewhat, as the policyholder decides on the benefits to be covered.

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